美食、旅遊、美妝、生活都在「優遊步調」,若想邀稿可寄信到→ unfsea66@gmail.com

目前分類:Travel (3)

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In South America has four species of camelid were very cute that we share these animals’ photos as below: 


alpaca (Vicugna pacos)
vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

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Tree-climbing goats in Morocco_YoYoTempo_image001.jpg


It is famous in the world that Goats climb to the argan tree, and stay on the tree for foods.


Climbing on the tree the most well-known is the monkey, but in Morocco that these Moroccan goats climb on the tree instead of monkey, that is not for show goats climbing skill but for the farmers that they need the goats help them get the argan trees’ seed to make an argan oil


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Egyptian Papyrus Painting_YoYoTempo_image001.jpg


Egyptian pyramid is famous in the world, and also a lot of old buildings had been listed by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) as the world heritage.


Egyptian papyrus painting is a kind of art that show the ancient Egyptian Dynasty and life.

The papyrus painting is a kind of special paper painting from ancient Egyptian, and this kind of painting was the Egyptian record the ancient people history life.

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